At Home in the Rainforest
Each animal was cut from a single color of felt, using online clip art patterns, and then painted with fabric paints |
Teacher Toucan: At school today, we will talk about the rainforest. Who knows what animals do in the rainforest?
Monkey: Monkeys like to swing from trees.
Teacher Toucan: Great! Monkeys swing around. That’s all animals do in the rainforest. School’s over. It’s time to go home.
Jaguar: Wait! That’s not all animals do in the rainforest! We love to swim and play in the streams. We even eat the fish, when we can catch them.
Teacher Toucan: Great! Monkeys swing and jaguars swim. That’s all animals do in the rainforest. School’s over. It’s time to go home.
Morpho Butterfly: Wait! That’s not all animals do in the rainforest! We like to drink sap and fruit juice, when we’re not flying around.
Teacher Toucan: Great! Monkeys swing, jaguars swim and butterflies drink sap. That’s all animals do in the rainforest. School’s over. It’s time to go home.
Sloth: Wait! That’s not all animals do in the rainforest! We like to eat the leaves that other animals do not like.
Teacher Toucan: Great! Monkeys swing, jaguars swim, butterflies drink sap, and sloths eat leaves. That’s all animals do in the rainforest. School’s over. It’s time to go home.
Poison Dart Frog: Wait! That’s not all animals do in the rainforest! We lay our eggs in the water trapped inside flowers, where they are safe from animals who want to eat them.
Teacher Toucan: Great! Monkeys swing, jaguars swim, butterflies drink sap, sloths eat leaves and frogs lay eggs. That’s all animals do in the rainforest. School’s over. It’s time to go home.
Monkey: Teacher Toucan, what do you do in the rainforest?
Teacher Toucan: Oh! I forgot! Toucans live in rainforests, too! We sit high in the branches and look for food. School’s over. Time to go to my home. I want you to see my great rainforest home!
Adapted by April Kozeluh from the original
At Home in a Tree by Sheryl Ann Crawford and Nancy I. Sanders