Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Turkey Feathers
Turkey Feathers
Mr. Turkey was so sad,
 He lost the feathers he once had.
 Now he wants us to help him find
 All the feathers of his kind.
 We will look high and low,
 We will find them don't you know.
 Here's a red one and a blue
 Look, we've found a green one too.
Here's an orange one and a yellow,
Soon he'll be a feathered fellow.
 Now we've found the purple one,
 Black and white -- we're almost done.
If we just look up and down,
I know we'll find the feather brown.
Now Mr. Turkey is so glad,
We found the feathers he once had.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Little Acorn

Little Acorn 
The squirrel, nest, and leafy shade are all separate pieces

Little Acorn
Little acorn on the ground
If you’re lucky and you’re not found
If squirrel and children leave you be
Someday you’ll grow to be a tree
Children will play in your leafy shade
Squirrels will hide in the nests they’ve made
Oh how happy we will be
We let you grow into a tree

Squeaky Clean Pigs

The pigs are clean on one side and dirty on the back
(to the tune of Green & Speckled Frogs)
Squeaky Clean Pigs

Five pigs so squeaky clean
Cleanest pigs you’ve ever seen
Wanted to go outside and play
Oink, oink
One jumped into the mud
Landed with a great big THUD!
Now there are 4 clean squeaky pigs
Continue to count down to zero

Mitten Match Mitten Match Who's got a mitten like this one? Who's got a mitten like me? Who's got a mitten like...