Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Gummy Bear
Gummy bear is glad to be
Here today with you and me
He/she can dance and turn around
Hide from you, jump up and down
Gummy bear sit on my knee
Tell me child's name, what color is he/she?

I do a polar bear and a butterfly variation on this as well. You could almost use anything you want with this color rhyme, Jack o' Lanterns, Turkey Friends, Santa's Elf, Valentine (hearts), Leprechaun (coordinate with rainbows), Easter Bunny, Swimmy Fish... I seriously could go on and on.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Pumpkins in the Patch
Pumpkins, pumpkins in the patch
Pumpkins, pumpkins on the vine
There are five, round and orange
I'll take one,
and it is mine!
(Continue until all pumpkins are gone)
 Newbridge Songs for Learning
(formally Mac Millan)
Album Title Holiday Songs 

Batty Bats

Five batty bats flying all around
One batty bat heard a far off sound
That batty flew far away
Now he/she is not here to play
Continue to count down
1.) Instead of 5 bats, give each child a bat and use the number of children you have.  Count down from there.
2.) Use color bats:
      5 colorful bats flying all around
      (or however many colors you want)
      The red little bat heard a far off sound

Mitten Match Mitten Match Who's got a mitten like this one? Who's got a mitten like me? Who's got a mitten like...